View Full Version : Spanish citizenship

12-08-2008, 03:11 PM
The Spanish Consulate will be holding an information meeting on Tuesday, 9 December at 7:30pm at the Casa de Espana for descendants of Spaniards in Santo Domingo who may qualify for Spanish nationality. Other meetings are scheduled for the Centro Espanol in Santiago on Wednesday, 17 December at 6pm, and the Centro Espanol in Constanza, on Saturday, 17 January 2009 at 3pm. A new Spanish ruling will benefit an estimated half a million descendants worldwide of people who fled the Spanish Civil War and the Franco dictatorship. The Law of Historical Memory benefits children and grandchildren of people who left Spain from 18 July 1936 to 31 December 1955. They must also demonstrate that their relatives received pensions granted to exiles or took part in some work for refugees from Franco's Spain. Those who qualify need to apply between 29 December 2008 and 28 December 2010. The new law also authorizes Spanish nationality for offspring of Spaniards born abroad, but the parent must make the application in person. Manuel Hernandez Ruigomez from the Spanish consulate estimates that some 50,000-60,000 Dominicans could be eligible for Spanish nationality.
For more information, see www.maec.es/consulados/santodom (http://www.maec.es/consulados/santodom)

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