View Full Version : A-Rod to play for the DR

12-08-2008, 03:11 PM
Alex Rodriguez has told Dominican fans that he will play for the Dominican team in next year's World Baseball Classic.
He told reporters, "I am 100% sure that I am going to play for the Dominican Republic." Rodriguez was speaking at a press conference in Punta Cana, in the east of the Dominican Republic where he was playing in a charity golf tournament organized by David Ortiz.
The slugger generated local controversy in the first World Classic in 2006 when he announced that he would play for the DR only to end up playing for the US.
On this occasion, Rodriguez promised that he would not change his mind. "This time there is no doubt and this is my mother's dream and I intend to fulfill it, and it is my dream too."
For some time, rumors have circulated about Rodriguez's participation in the series. The Dominican team organizing committee said that they were quite happy with the superstar's commitment.
According to Stanley Javier, the general manager, "This is great news. It is good news that Alex has decided to play with the Dominican team. The rules are clear, just signing now is enough for him to play with the Dominican team." Rodriguez pointed out that the rules of the Classic permit him to play for either team, since he was born in the US but his parents are Dominican.
He said: "It will be a very special day for my family to see me wearing the Dominican team uniform again." Rodriguez played winter league baseball with the Leones del Escogido in the 1994-1995 season before reaching the Major Leagues. That year the Dominican Republic finished third in the first World Baseball Classic, behind Japan and Cuba.
Rodriguez said, "I think that we have a good team and a chance of winning because there is a lot of quality material for the Classic."

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