View Full Version : Drugs even in Los Haitises!

12-09-2008, 03:40 PM
The Ministry of Environment says that as a result of Operation Hutia to clear Los Haitises National Park of farmers and squatters, drug smuggling operations were detected in the eastern part of the park. Listin Diario reports that the smugglers were using the Ministry stations. "That wasn't kids' play," said deputy Environment minister Eleuterio Martinez. He said the ministry had the support of the National Drug Control Department and the Armed Forces.
The drug smuggling was discovered as a consequence of the Hutia Operation to evict squatters.
But the problems of the park continue. The Ministry complained that just minutes after troops had left, the illegal squatters moved back in.
The Operation had brought 1,200 military personnel to relocate the squatters. Only 45 armed guards were left in the park that is 80kms by 20kms in size.
Environment Minister Jaime David Fernandez has said this time the government means business. The Ministry of Protected Areas, under Eleuterio Martinez has launched reconnaissance air missions to determine where the squatter camps are. He complained that some local leaders are spreading disinformation by telling the farmers that the government has repealed its ban and that they will be allowed to return to farm the lands. Los Haitises, located in the northeast of the DR, is where many of the nation's rivers and streams have their sources.

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