View Full Version : President Fernandez off to Brazil

12-15-2008, 01:10 PM
President Leonel Fernandez flies to Brazil today for meetings with heads of state and high-ranking officers of Latin America and the Caribbean, all invited by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Four meetings will be held from 16-17 December integrating heads of state and government from 33 Latin American and Caribbean countries that will discuss regional integration, as reported by the Brazilian Foreign Ministry.
The meetings are those of the Common Market of the South (Mercosur), the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), the Rio Group and the Latin America and the Caribbean countries (CALC) group. The summits will take place in Costa de Sauipe, some 110 km north of Salvador de Bahia, northwest Brazil, the official agenda shows.
The Mercosur meeting will discuss measures against the international financial crisis and the creation of a fund for small and medium companies.
The Unasur will review the performance of the group during the political crisis in Bolivia. The leaders will also study the proposal of creating a South American council of defense and the election of its general secretary.
The Rio Group will make formal the entrance of Cuba into the group.
The CALC will study the impact of the international financial crisis on the region, in order to set a common position for the summit of the Americas in April 2009. According to the Brazilian Foreign Ministry, some bilateral meetings are also expected to take place during the two days.
The DR is a member of the Rio Group and the Latin America and the Caribbean countries (CALC) group.

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