View Full Version : Not in the DR

12-15-2008, 01:10 PM
Last week the Spanish EFE press agency reported an incident in which it mentions that a Dominican supposedly amputated a Haitian man's hands. The video is being distributed in an email claiming that this was an example of the violence against Haitians in the DR.
But a closer examination of the video makes it obvious that this had not happened in the DR, says journalist Fausto Rosario Adames of Clave who observes that the people featured were speaking in a South American, probably a Colombian accent, and were clearly not Dominican.
El Caribe newspaper concurs that there is something fishy about the emails claiming that the video portrays an incident in a rural part of the country, and that the person with the machete is Dominican and the victim Haitian.
The Haitian ambassador in the DR visited the Police, demanded an explanation and the National Police denied that the video had been filmed here.
Police Chief Major General Rafael Guillermo Guzman Fermin said that it is an old video and the people portrayed are neither Dominican nor Haitian. Nevertheless, the 30-second video seeks to give the impression that a Dominican had cut off a Haitian's hand.
"And as expected, the protest voices of the so-called defenders of Haitian rights, have come forth and those who see in this a strategy of political pressure, and a new intent to discredit the country in the eyes of the international community," comments El Caribe. The newspaper calls for an investigation and laments that an unproven incident now is being used as proof to cause a rift between two sister countries. El Caribe urges the authorities to work together to stop unscrupulous people motivated by perverse interests from succeeding in ruining the coexistence based on mutual respect, harmony and solidarity.
Meanwhile, Diario Libre says, "If one wanted proof, there it is, that there are sectors interested in fueling the flame of a conflict between Dominicans and Haitians," concludes Diario Libre in a page two editorial.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)