View Full Version : [DR1] Cardinal speaks on reform

05-29-2006, 03:10 PM
Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez has said that he hoped that the reform process would be one of consensus, and at the same time he severely criticized those constitutional changes that were the result of "unscrupulous politicians" and their personal interests. The Cardinal also said that he was in favor of returning to the former number of election magistrates, five, and that election campaigning should be reduced to just 15 days. As reported in Listin Diario, the Cardinal said that in the days when Cesar Estrella headed the JCE "there were fewer judges and things were done in a competent way." Lopez Rodriguez said that the increase in the number of magistrates was due to "the interests of the political parties." In so saying, the Roman Catholic Cardinal supported the idea first suggested by Supreme Court Chief Justice Jorge Subero Isa.

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