View Full Version : [DR1] Leonel calls for reform

05-29-2006, 03:10 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has called for a reform of the Constitution during the next Congress. Considering that the PLD party has a 92-82 majority in the Chamber of Deputies, and a 22-10 majority in the Senate, the prospect for some sort of reform is good. However, in his announcement, the President did not give any detail as to just what he wanted to change in the Constitution. The President talked to reporters after a seven-hour meeting with the party's political committee. According to his comments, Fernandez wants to begin discussions using the draft drawn up by the National Dialogue two or three years ago. According to Hoy, the President wants to begin a series of debates with all sectors of the nation taking part. Key points on the agenda seem to be the selection of the JCE magistrates and the General Accounting Office. Fernandez said that instead of his party imposing its majority on the other parties, he would look for some sort of way in which to institutionalize the selection process through consensus. Fernandez said that he expected the process to begin in mid-July.

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