View Full Version : Jaime David's four points

12-17-2008, 02:40 PM
For former Vice President Jaime David Fernandez, now the current Minister of the Environment (SEMARENA), his obligation as minister is founded on four basic 'pillars': More forests; compliance with Law 64-00; simplify the bureaucratic and legal processes and bring the community into these processes.
During his comments at yesterday's weekly luncheon of Multimedios del Caribe, Fernandez Mirabal said that he is not thinking about the Presidency; he is just focusing on doing his job well and helping President Fernandez develop a good administration. Fernandez aspired to the PLD presidential candidacy in 2004, losing to Danilo Medina.
Fernandez Mirabal confirmed all squatters and farmers had to leave the Los Haitises National Park. He discussed his difficulties with farmers in the Los Haitises reserve, his point being that the damage that these had done to the area could take 200 years to repair. He said that in spite of the conflict with those that farm products for export in the area, these would have to understand that saving the water resources in the area was more important for the greater collective interest.
He was especially firm as he stated: "There will be no more farming inside the Los Haitises Reserve."
During his talk with Osvaldo Santana, the director of CDN Radio and Television, the minister also stressed the importance of the protected areas -- Jaragua Bioreserve, the Eagles Bay, the Cabral Lagoon and Lake Enriquillo in Pedernales and Barahona in the southwest.
He said that his department is working on a plan of how to best take advantage of these natural resources.
Fernandez Mirabal said that his forestation program will call for planting 30 million trees a year with "the idea that we can guarantee people making a few pesos." He recalled the successes of the Quisqueya Verde Plan, and said that he had requested an increase in the number of brigades working in the forests.

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