View Full Version : SISALRIL on traffic accidents

12-17-2008, 02:40 PM
The Superintendent of Health and Labor Risks (SISALRIL), Fernando Caamano, presented the National Council on Social Security (CNSS) a proposal for provisional financing that would allow an extension of the National Fund for Medical Attention for Traffic Accidents (FONAMAT) that is scheduled to end on 31 December.
According to the proposal, the FONAMAT can be financed with part of the increased interest payments that come from the more or less RD$4.76 billion in surplus that the Family Health Insurance program has generated from August 2007 to December of 2008.
With such a proposal, Caamano suggests that the accumulated surplus be charged with an interest rate enough to yield the approximately RD$25 million needed each month to take care of FONAMAT patients.
Once the FONAMAT is covered, the rest of the money can be used to finance the Family Health Plan for workers.
In his proposal, sent to Max Puig, the president of the CNSS, Caamano points out that "the Superintendency favors, for legal and financial reasons, that the Social Security System should preserve this surplus and the additional income that is obtained from the 1 January be applied to finance the PDSS."
Caamano says that his proposal is in line with the 30 October Resolution 192-06 that appointed a commission to find a solution to the issues presented by the termination of accident coverage under the current plans.

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