View Full Version : Supreme Court on Sun Land

12-19-2008, 03:40 PM
In a divided opinion, the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) has ruled that the charges of violation of the Constitution placed by the PRD opposition party and the Foro Social Alternativo civic group against the Dominican State for the Sun Land Corporation loan contracts are inadmissible. The Supreme Court accepted that the Executive Branch was under the obligation to send the loan contracts to Congress, but then ruled that only the president of the Senate and the president of the Chamber of Deputies had legal jurisdiction to bring charges against the Executive Branch for violating the procedure in the irregular loan contracting. Judges Ana Rosa Berges, Eglys Margarita Esmurdoc and Julio Anibal Suarez went on record with dissident opinions. They said that every citizen has the right to bring such charges, regardless of position.

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