View Full Version : Justice on the curve

12-19-2008, 03:40 PM
In recent months the Supreme Court and minor courts have issued sentences that potentially signaled a change in the once weak legal system. But critics feel that yesterday's ruling on the Sun Land corruption case has revealed that not much has changed in the Dominican judicial system and that the old demons are still plaguing the country's justice system. Representatives from the PRD and the Alternative Social Forum, who initially presented the charges of unconstitutionality, were joined in a chorus of dismay by the Juan Montalvo Center, Participacion Ciudadana (PC) and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (Flasco), which described the Supreme Court judgment as "regrettable and dangerous". In a written statement PC regrets the precedent set by the Supreme Court since they ruled that only the presidents of the legislative chambers can file charges of unconstitutionality. PC added that this ruling reverses some of the progress made by the Supreme Court through previous high profile rulings. PC is asking the government to reveal all transactions related to the IOUs, who are the creditors, how much is owed, what is the interest on the loan, and if in fact Sun Land gave the government an irrevocable line of credit worth US$41,052,630. According to FLASCO constitutional law specialist Nassef Perdomo the SC's decision limits the citizenry's ability to demand its rights.

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