View Full Version : SCJ ruling violates HR?

12-19-2008, 03:40 PM
Fidel Santana, leader of the Alternative Social Forum says that he is considering taking the Sun Land case to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the grounds that the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) ruling violated his rights as a citizen. Yesterday, the SCJ ruled that charges of unconstitutionality against the Sun Land Corporation and the Dominican State were inadmissible because neither the FSA or the PRD, who also brought charges, had the legal capacity to do so. Three judges, Ana Rosa Berges, Eglys Margarita Esmurdoc and Julio Anibal Suarez disagreed with the ruling, arguing that all citizens have the right to present such charges. Santana says that the SCJ ruling violates the constitution and says the ruling sets a dangerous precedent.

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