View Full Version : Government was Clinton donor?

12-19-2008, 03:40 PM
As part of a deal to secure his wife's chances to be appointed US Secretary of State, former President Bill Clinton agreed to release the highly secretive list of entities that donated generous amounts of money to his Bill Clinton Foundation. Among the controversial names are Middle Eastern, Saudi Arabian and Indian donors, as well as donations from the highly controversial Blackwater Training Center. Though only two donors gave more than US$25 million, the Dominican Republic's Presidential Council on AIDS (COPRESIDA) is said to have contributed between US$10 million and US$25 million, making it one the Foundation's top donors. Though the Clinton Foundation has been known to do charitable work around the world, including in the Dominican Republic, there has been no explanation why the government organization would give such a large amount of money. But in an interesting twist Diario Libre is reporting that former COPRESIDA director Humberto Salazar has denied that COPRESIDA ever gave Clinton's foundation any money, attributing it all to a possible confusion. He added that "it is impossible that the DR would donate a single dollar to any international foundation, no matter the name, because in fact our country is recipient of donations."

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