View Full Version : Jimenez and the Christopher murder

12-19-2008, 03:40 PM
Missing pilot Adrian Jimenez is also said to have been under investigation in the case of the murder of former chief of aero-navigability at the IDAC, Angel Christopher Martinez. Christopher's murder has been linked to a report that he was about to make public on 10 airlines that were operating on the fringes of the law, with the recommendation that they comply with the law. He was murdered shortly after revealing that he would release the report. His relatives have accused the authorities of obstructing investigations into the crime. Christopher had publicly denounced the lack of supervision, the practice of allowing non-authorized pilots to make flights, and flights taking off without pre- established flight plans. He was silenced on 12 July 2006. Pedro Dominguez, president of the Dominican Pilots Association, said that at the time of his murder, Christopher was doing a good job as head of the department of aero-navigability, trying to ensure that the rules were followed. He had recommended that airplanes that were not fit to fly should be not allowed to operate.
www.diariof27.com/articulo,2876,html (http://www.diariof27.com/articulo,2876,html)

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