View Full Version : Chamber of Accounts scandal

12-22-2008, 05:30 PM
The new Chamber of Accounts members made headlines over the weekend for what some news commentators have called their first scandal. The nine new members of the Chamber have been on the job for 72 days. Reportedly, three months (90 days) is necessary for a government employee to have earned the right to the Christmas bonus. But, as reported in the press, they met and decided to pay themselves the full Christmas salary of RD$560,000 each. They justified that they are a collegiate organization and what they decide in-group is valid based on their by-laws and internal ruling. In an editorial on Monday, Listin Diario calls for them to explain the reasons for making what is seen as an exception to the rule.
Hoy newspaper comments on how their predecessors were dismissed for similar reasons of excessive personal benefits, in addition to low performance on the job, after a series of scandals.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)