View Full Version : Villa Metro not happy

12-30-2008, 05:30 PM
Villa Mella, a.k.a. Villa Metro, is the starting point of the DR's largest public works project, but as the trains of technology and development pass overhead residents in many neighborhoods feel they have been forgotten by the development. Residents in the Vista Bella, Remanso, Carlos Alvarez, Maranon, Villa Linda, Barrio Nuevo, El Eden Segundo, Casa Vieja, Los Berroa, Sol de Luz, La Colina, El Torito and La Esperanza neighborhoods are urging the government to provide them with power, pick up trash and pave badly deteriorated roads. Yesterday, residents launched impromptu protests and threw objects at the Metro.
In related news, the Santo Domingo Metro now has 16 of the 19 cars needed and officials say the remaining cars will arrive in the DR on 6 January. Transport Reorganization Office (OPRET) sub director Leonel Carrasco announced that once the final cars arrive a test of the completed system would be carried out. However, no definitive date has been set as to when the Metro will open for continuous use. Currently, the Metro is free for the public to use as part of a holiday season program.

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