View Full Version : A new government summit

01-07-2009, 06:00 PM
The government is organizing a new national summit to discuss domestic problems. Economy, Planning and Development Minister Juan Temistocles Montas said that the government would provide more details of the summit that will bring together politicians, businesspeople and society representatives to discuss the global financial crisis, crime and electricity among other priority issues. He said there would be a press conference on Thursday to make the announcements. President Fernandez said on 9 December that he would convene a summit in January.
Political analyst Rosario Espinal called the summit a smokescreen to divert public attention from the Sun Land-Supreme Court decision, Lubrano-Renove pardons, corruption at the Chamber of Accounts scandals at the year's end that have affected the Fernandez administration ratings. Furthermore, Espinal, in an op-ed page in Hoy today, described the December decisions as "revolting."

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