View Full Version : Who's on the Quirino list?

01-07-2009, 06:00 PM
Politicians could be off the hook in the Quirino Ernesto Paulino Castillo (Quirino) case, currently being heard in a New York Court. Those who have been speculating that current and former Dominican government officials might be involved could be disappointed. Lawyer Carlos Balcacer told Diario Libre that the 37 people Quirino could link to the Colombia-Dominican Republic drug network that he used to belong to included police and high-ranking military personnel and businesspeople. "But there are no politicians involved. It looks like he took care on that count," said Balcacer. As part of the negotiations made with Quirino, the Dominican state prosecutors have returned RD$40 million to his relatives. The case against them was dropped following negotiations. The Dominican government has kept US$14.5 million worth of the assets seized from Quirino and his relatives.
Listin Diario reports that Quirino did reveal to the US prosecutors his ties with politicians. But the newspaper explains that for the eventual accusations to move, "political will" of the government will be necessary. President Leonel Fernandez had said in a presidential speech in December that to fight drug trafficking there would be no "sacred cows." The newspaper sources say Quirino admitted making contributions to political campaigns. The Listin reports on documents that incriminate high-ranking military, and successful politicians, but points out the present judicial authorities would need to prepare the cases against these individuals.
As part of the negotiations, RD$40 million in cash, or 1% of total sales of rice from the Comendador rice factory located in Elias Pina will be returned to the family. State prosecutor Alejandro Moscoso Segarra, who is handling the case for the Dominican government, said that they agreed that property belonging to the family prior to 1996 would be returned.
Listin Diario is reporting that the US authorities are preparing to ask for the extradition of as many as 12 Dominicans suspected of being involved in Quirino's drug trafficking ring. These extraditions could be announced in February. As part of the negotiations, 18 of Quirino's relatives will be protected under the Federal Witness Protection Program and will be allowed to travel to the United States.

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