View Full Version : Quirino plot thickens

01-08-2009, 02:40 PM
Listin Diario is reporting that the drug trafficking cartel believed to have been led by former military captain Quirino Ernesto Paulino (Quirino) is still in full swing. The newspaper quotes an anonymous source as saying that after sifting through court documents from as far back as 2005 the names of two men in particular emerge as the true ringleaders of the drug cartel and information has surfaced that these men are still controlling a large chunk of the drug business in the DR. According to the paper these men are connected to two foreigners, a Colombian and a Venezuelan, with strong ties to drug trafficking rings in the US, South America and Europe, and who use the DR as their distribution point. Listin also claims that these men travel throughout the country and overseas without any problems. In, addition these cartels hire violent "sicarios" or hit men to do the cartels' dirty work. It is becoming increasingly evident that Quirino was in fact just a pawn in a highly complex drug trafficking ring. Listin Diario's source claims that Colombian bosses regularly come to the DR to supervise their drug trading activities and money laundering operations and that they work with almost complete impunity. The source continued by saying that one of those supervisors was recently arrested in Cotui and quietly extradited to the US.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)