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01-12-2009, 04:50 PM
Education Minister Melanio Paredes says that parents need to do their bit if the "1,000 hour" education plan is to be a success. He added that the country could not develop if students only receive 400 hours of education each year. Paredes was critical of the fact that such a low number of students turned up for classes that resumed on Wednesday last week.
According to Paredes, Dominican students receive an average of 400 hours of class per school year, while schools in other countries in the region teach almost 800 hours per school year. Paredes said that in the month of January students would only receive three days of schooling because of the number of national holidays and the lack of cooperation from parents in ensuring their children go to school.
In related news, the government is studying the possibility of removing families from the Solidarity Program if children in the household aren't going to school. The Program assists low-income families and one of the requirements for receiving government assistance is that children must be attending school. The School Attendance Incentive (ILAE) is one of the three components of the Solidarity Program.

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