View Full Version : [DR1] Trujillo's death 45th anniversary

05-31-2006, 03:10 PM
Yesterday was the 45th anniversary of the assassination of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina, the dictator that ruled, along with his family, the Dominican Republic for thirty years. The ceremony marking the anniversary was held on the 30 de Mayo Highway on the Caribbean seashore where the assassination took place. Present were members of the 30 de Mayo Foundation and the sole surviving member of the group that plotted the removal of the dictator, General Antonio Imbert Barrera. When asked if he was sorry that he had participated in the plot, Imbert Barrera exploded: "Me, sorry? I can never be sorry, never!" When another reporter asked the national hero if he thought that another dictator might appear in the Dominican Republic, the general answered: "I don't think so. What are you here for? You are the responsible ones now, we did what we had to do."

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