View Full Version : Commission invites three major parties

01-13-2009, 05:20 PM
Preparations for the summit meeting between the leading representatives of the industrial, commercial and banking sectors being convened by President Leonel Fernandez began to gather pace yesterday when the organizing commission visited the headquarters of the three main political parties to request their participation and ask them to prepare proposals on what they consider to be the country's main priorities.
The summit has two goals, and one of them is to sign a pact for a national development strategy in order to fulfill the law that obliges the Executive Power to submit a long-term plan to Congress, according to organizing commission member Temistocles Montas, the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development. The other objective, and first on the program, is to agree on short-term measures aimed at dealing with the world economic crisis and the most pressing national issues.
Diario Libre reports that Montas, Monsignor Agripino Nunez Collado, president of the Economic, Social and Institutional Council (CESI), businessman Antonio Isa Conde and sociologist Jose del Castillo visited the headquarters of the PRSC party at 10:30, the PRD party at 11:30 and the PLD at 1:00 in the afternoon yesterday. The letter, signed by Montas and Nunez Collado asked the party leaderships to send their five priority discussion points by the 20th at the latest.
The PRSC's Rafaela Alburquerque and Victor Gomez Casanova headed the group of reformists who received the delegation and told them that the highest levels of the party had designated a commission to take part in the dialogue, although the Political Commission will not make it findings known until the 20th.
The PRSC representatives will be the top ten members plus Foreign Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso.
At the PRD, the commission was met by secretary general Orlando Jorge Mera, Tomas Hernandez Alberto, Anibal Garcia Duverge, Peggy Cabral and Julio Marinez. Jorge Mera announced that this party would respond to the invitation after the Political Commission, which meets on Thursday, has taken its decision. "An event such as the one that is being convened would be lopsided if the PRD were not to attend," said Montas, in an effort to motivate the PRD.
PLD secretary general Reinaldo Pared Perez headed the commission from the Political Committee that received the organizers of the dialogue. He said that he had received instructions from President Leonel Fernandez, who is also the head of the PLD, to convene the Political Committee for Wednesday at 8pm with the aim of choosing the representation that the party will send and the issues that it will propose for the Summit.
The contact schedule is as follows:
11:00am: The CESI will meet with business, union and non-governmental associations.
1pm: The group will receive the Dominican Federation of Municipalities. At 5pm they will visit the PRSD, according to Montas, who promised to find a moment in the week to visit the smaller parties.
On Wednesday at 11am the meetings will continue with a visit to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Jorge Subero Isa. The commission will visit Congress at 12 noon.

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