View Full Version : Cedula renewals extended

01-13-2009, 05:20 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) met today and agreed to extend the renewal period for personal identification cards, or "cedulas," that expired at the end of last year until 31 July 2009. The idea is to give the JCE time to get things organized and listen to opinions about the new document.
The president of the board, Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman pointed out that all the technical aspects of the new process would be heard during this period and "taken on board, because not all the cedulas have expired." The document is valid for ten years.
Castanos Guzman told reporters from most of today's newspapers, that meanwhile JCE staff would continue obtaining biometric data from people, information that includes fingerprints, signature and a photograph.
Castanos also announced that during the recent session it was decided to send 65 fake identification and voting cards (cedulas) that had been fraudulently obtained by foreigners to the commission on disqualified and cancelled cards.
The session also decided to postpone discussions on the planned regulations for the accounting system and submission of accounts by the political parties. The commission in charge of studying the Reformed Civil Code of the Dominican Republic was also enlarged.
Diario Libre reported that a proposal aimed at granting Dominican citizenship to any woman who marries a Dominican was put to one side and a proposal by magistrate Eddy Olivares Ortega that focuses on Internal Regulations for the Application of the General Law of Free Public Access to Public Information was put on the agenda of the next session.
The JCE also decided that the implementation of the program of emitting birth certificates based on late declarations in order to allow children to go to school and "cedulas" so that people could belong to the National Health Insurance Program (SENASA) would have to await budgetary assignments.

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