View Full Version : Groups want to forestall summit

01-15-2009, 02:20 PM
Several social organizations say they will not be taking part in the summit convened by President Leonel Fernandez unless the President delays the legislative proposals leading up to a constitutional reform, sets up a reformulation of this year's budget and begins to obey the laws relating to sectors, such as those on education and the municipalities.
"A special session of the legislature so that the Congress can debate the proposal for a Constitutional Reform is untimely and would disqualify the call for a social pact" the president of the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE), Ricardo Bonetti said yesterday, echoing statements from the Dominican council of Evangelical Unity (Codue), the Juan Montalvo Center, the Barrio Defense Committee (Copadeba).
These groups, which belong to the Economic, Social and Institutional Council (CESI), say that the Executive Branch must show willingness to honor any agreements that result from the summit and one way is to comply with pending laws and pacts.
Father Mario Serrano, director of the Juan Montalvo Center, warned that so many agreements have been scoffed at by governments, especially this one, that the social organizations are not willing to attend the dialogue that is supposed to start on the 28th of this month. "We will not allow ourselves to go to another dialogue. We will have to concentrate on strengthening our movement, in order to create the pressures that need to be applied to the parties that implement public policy," he told Diario Libre.
Leading PRD member Enmanuel Esquea also told Diario Libre reporters that he understood the CESI declarations that the government has led people to distrust the dialogue process. He said that the PRD should abstain from attending in order to avoid becoming complicit in the alleged motive of covering up the authorities' responsibility in the deepening economic and social problems.
On the other hand, PRSC vice-president Rafaela Alburquerque said that she understood the council's concerns, but confirmed that her organization would be attending the summit, trusting President Fernandez's word and "inspired by President Joaquin Balaguer's teachings, that the right thing to do was never to avoid participating in anything."

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