View Full Version : Cedula fraud high

01-16-2009, 06:50 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) estimates that 30,000 foreigners have obtained cedulas without proving they have entered, or are residing, in the DR legally. The JCE is constantly investigating cedula emissions. Yesterday, the board requested the cancellations of cedulas belonging to 65 foreigners after determining that they had been obtained fraudulently. The JCE has also fired the supervisor and head of the Center for Military Cedulas, for illegally giving military documentation to civilians. Foreigners who have embarked on the cedula process should make sure that their status is legal. Hoy reports the story of a Spanish national resident in Bavaro, Antonio Granja Guerra who paid lawyer Johnny Manuel Guerrero Gomez US$1,000 to take care of the legalization process for him. In the end it turned out that Guerrero had done nothing for Granja, who was none the wiser. The JCE investigated the case after he complained at the JCE headquarters when visiting to regularize his status.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)