View Full Version : College students pose concern

01-16-2009, 06:50 PM
Major deficiencies in students' grammar skills, spelling mistakes, low reading comprehension and other problems are raising concerns among university professors around the country. Teachers are also concerned that lack of concrete ability to develop ideas as well as an inability to reference historical events greatly affects the nation's high school students. "Serbesa" (cerveza), "ospital" (hospital), "esecuarto" (ese cuarto), "habierto", (abierto), "deceo" (deseo), "herror" (error) are just some of the most common spelling mistakes made by college students. Listin Diario quotes a first year Literature professor at a local university who said she was shocked when a student handed her an assignment with the word cerveza misspelled as "serbesa." This is comparable to an English speaker misspelling of "would" as "wood." The teacher was even more shocked after she spoke to the student who asked, "Teacher, I study accounting, why would I need any grammar skills?" UASD Professor Rafael Peralta Romero says the lack of grammar skills is nothing compared to many students' inability to form even a basic thought. "They don't know how to construct sentences, and have limited awareness of things happening in the country."

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