View Full Version : Health getting better

01-19-2009, 12:20 PM
A study conducted by the Universidad del Rosario, in Colombia and sponsored by the United States Development Agency (USAID) reveals that access to health care, public spending on health and insurance coverage in the DR have increased between 1996 and 2007. The report, available from the Public Health (SESPAS) offices reveals that when it comes to health, the gap between rich and poor has been reduced greatly during the study period. The study also indicates that of the 50% of people who needed medical care 37.86% didn't seek treatment because they didn't think it was necessary, 27.93% said they continued their treatment, 25.42% said they resolved their medical issues personally and only 4.18% said they did not have the money to seek medical treatment. The report, quoted in Listin Diario, highlights the improvements in the DR's medical sector over the last 10 years.

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