View Full Version : Spain lends a hand

01-23-2009, 02:20 PM
The Dominican Agricultural Research Institute (IDIAF) and the Spanish International Development Cooperation Agency (AECID), together with several other organizations, are working on three new development projects in rural areas of the DR. The projects are expected to increase living standards in these areas as well as providing residents with economic opportunities. The projects are being implemented with an RD$24.5 million fund from AECID. The projects are focused on the Enriquillo region of the DR, which includes the southwestern provinces of Barahona, Baoruco, Pedernales and Independencia. According to Hoy these four provinces are among the poorest in the DR where 66% of the residents live in poverty and 18% live in extreme poverty. Codocafe is among the organizations taking part in the development project, aiming to help farmers in the Enriquillo region to create their own brand of coffee. World Vision and Propesur are also participating along with AECID.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#10)