View Full Version : Betting preferred over LPG tax

01-27-2009, 04:20 PM
Legislators continue to debate the source of funds for an across-the- board wage increase for health personnel. Public hospital doctors campaigned belligerently for their raise, and the government has delegated the task of finding the money to the legislators. An increase in taxes on propane or betting parlors is one option that is being debated in order to fund the increase. However, the proposal for a RD$3 tax on propane gas has met with strong opposition, according to a report in Hoy. Sources close to the discussions told Hoy reporter Loyda Pena that the original proposal involved an increase of one peso per gallon of LPG, but specialists from the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development recommended that the increase should be three pesos. Those in favor of the tax say it would not affect poorer citizens who already receive propane gas subsidies through their Solidarity welfare cards issued by the government.
Another source being considered is an increase in the 15% fixed tax on betting, according to Listin Diario. Jairon Severino reports that, "everything is pointing to gambling as the provider of the money needed to increase salaries in the health sector."
The computer system that connects all betting parlors provides a means of supervising all the money that enters the system.
The president of the CNTU transport union, Ramon Perez Figuereo, called on legislators to reduce their own salaries in order to find the money for paying the doctors. Quoted in El Nuevo Diario, Perez Figuereo says that propane already went up six pesos with no explanation. He added that, "people cannot cope with any more taxes."
He said that the government should review the Hydrocarbon Law in order to stabilize prices at RD$30 for LPG, RD$70/gallon for premium gasoline, RD$50 for regular gasoline and diesel at RD$50, especially in view of the fact that oil prices have gone down considerably.

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