View Full Version : Government commits to action

01-29-2009, 06:00 PM
The government and hundreds of business, political and social groups opened debates yesterday at the "Summit for National Unity Facing the World Crisis," with renewed hope that agreements would be acted upon. The President led the inauguration of the dialogue whose full sessions should end on 17 February, with some concrete plans of action to solve the most urgent national problems and shield the country from the worst effects of the world financial and economic debacle.
In his keynote speech, President Fernandez joined the other voices that called for the summit to avoid coming up empty as he pointed out "today's act cannot just remain as a symbolic opening ceremony, but rather it should lead to a systematic coordination until the crisis is over." With this in mind, he favored the creation of a public and private alliance to provide continuous coordination and follow up that will allow everyone "to know when we go from one policy to another."
Fernandez made the most of the occasion to make an urgent call to United Nations secretary general Ba Ki Moon to convene the assembly with the aim of dealing with the world economic crisis and to find joint solutions. He reiterated that what has been said on international podiums is a problem of the 192 nations that make up the UN. "It seems that an urgent case like this should push the UN to call in all the members."

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