View Full Version : A look at the Summit

02-02-2009, 04:20 PM
More than 400 proposals were presented at the working group dealing with "Economy and Competitiveness" at the National Summit last week, of which 100 ended up being taken to the discussion tables.
According to Hoy, the group moderated by National Competitiveness Council executive director Andres Vanderhorst Alvarez and coordinated by National Business Council (CONEP) president Lisandro Macarrulla worked hard to divide the workload and created three sub-groups: Agriculture, headed by former Agriculture Minister Amilcar Romero, Macro-Economy, headed by Circe Almanzar and a third one on Competitiveness.
Listin Diario says that as a result of their work the group will suggest a reduction in public spending and the promotion of investments aimed at allowing the local production apparatus to be more competitive. The working group even took into consideration proposals received from PRD former presidential candidate Miguel Vargas.
Proposals sent to the agriculture discussion group were reduced from 57 to 24 and included agrarian reform, food security, financial matters and taxes.
At the competitiveness sub-group, discussions were led by access to financing along with support for small and medium-scale businesses (PYMES). The macro-economic group discussions included a reduction in government spending and lower interest rates.
The work group dealing with Territorial Development, Municipal Management and the Environment looked at 180 proposals and decided to accept 150 for discussion, although this forced them to extend their session until five in the afternoon on Saturday.
They also divided the work into three broad areas: the transformation of the Dominican Municipal League, clarification of municipal taxes and a proposal for a National Regulatory Plan. Watershed management, reforestation, protection of aquifers and soil and water use were discussed at another table. A third table talked about waste management, especially garbage and hospital waste. Emmanuel Castillo from the Santiago Development Association is coordinating this working group.
At the table that worked on Institutional Consolidation, headed by Servio Tulio Castanos Guzman, the proposal that hit the headlines was one that said that no public official should earn more than the President. Other proposals discussed were the creation of a Judicial Police force, a four-year term for the Attorney General and some rules for the political parties. Also under discussion were the obligation to comply with the Social Security Law, and the clean up of the Justice Department.
The group that worked on Migration and the Frontier ended up proposing that "jus sanguinis" should be the only way to achieve Dominican nationality. Work group coordinator Pedro Justo Castellanos told El Nuevo Diario reporters that also discussed were ideas relating to the strengthening of those organizations that deal with frontier development, and the increase in projects geared towards social improvement in the frontier region, including schools, hospitals and churches.
The work group that dealt with "the fight against crime and corruption," proposed another reform of the Penal Process Code, salary increases for members of the armed forces and the police as well as other benefits. The sub-group that worked on preventive policies pushed for the extension of school hours as a way of reducing young people's free time.
The discussion group tackling Education met at the Hilton Hotel and worked on items that could be implemented this year. The lead item was the budget request, pegged at 2.67% of the budget for 2009. The group also proposed improving teachers' educational level, the creation of new methodology, and the eradication of illiteracy.
The social policy working group agreed on proposals aimed at strengthening the Social Security system as well as creating new jobs through small and medium-sized businesses (PYMES). Suggestions for easing private construction regulations and the creation of industrial parks were also accepted by the group, which is being coordinated by Fabio Herrera and Max Puig.

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