View Full Version : Two cities announce carnivals

02-03-2009, 05:10 PM
The municipality of Santo Domingo North has announced the celebration of Carnival on 22 February, with more than 100 groups and floats that will parade along Hermanas Mirabal Avenue in Villa Mella. Mayor Jesus Feliz made the announcement accompanied by folklorist Dagoberto Tejeda and he promised reporters that the event would be a genuine demonstration of the area's cultural richness and a chance for citizens to showcase their creativity. He said that Villa Mella is one of the most prolific locations for cultural activity and folklore, and this is why UNESCO has declared the Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit of the Congos of Villa Mella a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. He said that all of this would be on display during its carnival.
Meanwhile, Santo Domingo East city council, in the midst of the festival atmosphere that caught up and brightened hundreds of its citizens, inaugurated its carnival activities last weekend. Called the "Carnavalbus" this year, festivities began on 30 January and went on until Saturday 31 January. The party started at Plaza Hollywood on Mella Highway, and from there the parade went into the sectors of Los Mina South, Ozama, Alma Rosa, Villa Duarte, Los Farallones, Lengua Azul and La Isabelita. The big parade will take place along Espana Avenue on 15 February.

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