View Full Version : Mannygate

02-04-2009, 02:00 PM
The saga of Dominican slugger Manny Ramirez is dragging on for longer than most fans and journalists would care for. The slugger, once famous only for his hitting, has now gained the distinction of being a "prima donna" in light of his forced exit from Boston last season and now for his free agency antics. Ramirez was considered a key player to pick, but once the Yankees chose Mark Teixera before Ramirez could get a deal, Manny's stock dropped. The latest is that Ramirez has reportedly declined a one-year US$25 million offer from the Los Angeles Dodgers. Many fans have developed a certain level of disdain for Ramirez considering the amount of money he is being offered in the current financial crisis. Other issues concerning Ramirez's future include the fact that there are only a handful of teams that can afford the slugger and currently Boston, New York Yankees, Chicago Cubs and now the LA Dodgers seem to be out of the running.

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