View Full Version : Summit report due today

02-05-2009, 02:30 PM
Vice President Rafael Alburquerque is meeting with National Summit organizing commission members and all the participating work group coordinators to draw up the first draft of a report to be handed to the President today.
The meeting was held in the Presidential Palace, with Antonio Isa Conde, one of the summit organizing commission members. Isa Conde told reporters from El Caribe that the work group and sub-group coordinators were trying to agree on prioritizing the issues.
He added that the most important aspect of the talks is that everything that has been suggested is viable, although during Wednesday's meeting they only dealt with the technical issues. He concluded by saying that the filtering process is under way, because there were proposals that will be accepted right away, others will need to be discussed, but these are ready for groundwork.
This afternoon President Fernandez will receive the preliminary report from the seven work groups. According to reports, it includes proposals that could be implemented right away because of the consensus.

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