View Full Version : Fernandez receives reports

02-06-2009, 03:20 PM
Yesterday, President Leonel Fernandez received the reports from the seven work groups at the National Summit. Fernandez is expected to incorporate some of the observations during his 27 February Independence Day speech to Congress. Among approvals that met with a consensus and that could be accepted by the government are that the Ministry of Education, the National Police and the National Drug Control Department (DNCD) would receive more funds. Social Security will receive funds from the National Lottery. Also, it was agreed upon that no public employee should earn more than the President and that municipal authorities can receive 10% of funds managed by the government to be used in the areas of environment and development. There was also a proposal by the immigration work group for legislation to be passed that would only allow "jus sanguinis" (right of blood) as a way to obtain citizenship. Fernandez reiterated his confidence that the results of the National Summit will be implemented, in the name of national unity in response to the international financial crisis. Economy, Planning and Development Minister Temistocles Montas said that some of the work group discussions would be revisited at a later date to get a consensus, while those that have already been agreed upon will go into deeper discussion. Montas said that the PRD's participation was not discussed, and added that the invitation for them to attend was still open.

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