View Full Version : Findings reveal concerns

02-06-2009, 03:20 PM
A study by the FM Foundation and the Organization of Iberian -American States for Education, Science and Culture, has revealed that 8.4% of seventh and eighth graders admitted to drinking alcohol every day of the week, while 5.7% admitted to consuming drugs. The report reveals that 9.9% of students between the ages of 10 and 12 say they drink alcohol at least twice per week and 2.6% consume drugs with the same frequency. The study interviewed 3,315 students in 58 schools across 21 provinces and the National District. Another alarming statistic provided by the study is that 5.8% of students have been sexually abused by their own classmates and that 8.8% have received verbal abuse of a sexual nature from classmates. Surprisingly 4.7% of students admit to having sexually abused classmates while 4.3% have admitted to have verbally abused their classmates. According to Hoy, the statistics are the highest compared to those from students in Brazil, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Argentina and Mexico. The study indicates that psychological abuse is the most common in Dominican schools. Luis Verges, advisor at the National Drug Council (CND) the concern is that the age of drug abusers is getting lower.

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