View Full Version : UKTI's Andrew Cahn to visit

02-10-2009, 01:30 PM
The United Kingdom's Trade & Investment CEO, Sir Andrew Cahn will be in Santo Domingo on Thursday, 15 February to explore ways of expanding business relationships between the UK and the Dominican Republic, as reported in Hoy. UK Ambassador Ian Worthington has been making the rounds of the local press to prepare for the important visitor. Cahn will only be here for 20 hours, but a busy agenda is being prepared for his visit. He will meet with Dominican business representatives and DR-based representatives of UK businesses as well as DR government officials. Ambassador Worthington said that the DR is ranked fifth in exports to the UK from the Caribbean. In 2007, the DR exported US$88 million, and imported US$54 million, for a positive trade balance. Most of the exports are farm products, including tobacco, cacao, avocado, bananas, lime, plantains and coconuts and there are also prospects for developing beer exports.
The DR imports beverages, primarily whisky, road vehicles, power generating machinery, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and industrial machinery from the UK.
As far as investment is concerned, the UK is the fourth largest investor country in the DR, behind the US, Canada and Spain.
Roberto Herrera, president of the British Chamber of Commerce in the DR, said that UK companies based here are in sectors including pharmaceuticals, power, telecommunications, construction, tobacco, tourism, beverages, consumer goods, aqueduct construction, hydrocarbons, call centers and sales of minted coins to the government.
www.uktradeinvest.gov.uk (http://www.uktradeinvest.gov.uk)

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