View Full Version : A-Rod admits to steroids

02-10-2009, 01:30 PM
As soon as Alex Rodriguez got a call from Sports Illustrated last Saturday asking him to comment on the revelations that linked him to the use of steroids in 2003, he took a charter flight from Miami to the Bahamas so that he could respond to the report from a luxurious hotel, far from the reach of the media.
From his former agent, Scott Boras, and up to Guy Oseary, the manager of the singer Madonna (with whom he is reported to be romantically involved), A-Rod substituted the gymnasium for an office and weights, bats and gloves for his Blackberry.
Yesterday afternoon, the man spoke. His voice sometimes shaking, Rodriguez tackled the allegations that he had tested positive in a random test for steroids six years ago. In an interview with ESPN he admitted that he had used drugs to enhance his performance while he played with the Texas Rangers during a three-year period beginning in 2001.
During an interview in Miami Beach, he told Peter Gammons of ESPN, "When I arrived in Texas in 2001, I felt enormous pressure; I needed to look good and in great form every day... Back then, (baseball) was a different culture. It was something very loose, I was young, I was stupid, I was naive, I was trying to prove to everyone that I deserved to be one of the greatest players of all time...Yes, I used a banned substance. For this I apologize and I am deeply regretful."
The admission by Rodriguez came 48 hours after a report on the Sports Illustrated website, which said that Rodriguez was on the list of 104 players who had tested positive for banned substances in 2003, the year in which the Major League Baseball carried out random testing to find out whether they needed to do random and mandatory testing.
Sources that knew about the tests told SI that Rodriguez had tested positive for testosterone and Primobolan, an anabolic steroid.
In his interview with ESPN, Rodriguez said that he did not know exactly what substance or substances he had used. In 2003, there was no penalty for testing positive.
"I regret my years in Texas," said the third-baseman of the New York Yankees. "I apologize to the Texas fans."
Rodriguez, who joined the Yankees in the 2004 season through a deal with Texas, said that "in all of his years in New York he has been clean." He said that it felt good to be honest about what had happened in the past.
"The more honest I am, the faster we can get back to baseball where I should be," he added.
Rodriguez also referred to his 2007 interview with CBS reporter Katie Couric on the "60 Minutes" program when he denied using steroids, by saying that "at that time, I was not being honest with myself. How could I be honest with Katie Couric or CBS?"

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