View Full Version : A-rod dodges one bullet

02-11-2009, 02:10 PM
Image tarnished, legacy-tainted, records questioned, but at least A-rod won't have to go before Congress and rat on his colleagues. It has been reported that Alex Rodriguez won't be summoned to Capitol Hill to discuss his role in the Steroid Era or provide politicians clues as to who was part of the intricate performance-enhancing web that has smashed baseball's image. "The American people need leaders who will focus on stemming job losses and getting credit to flow in the marketplace before hearing from yet another person who cheated both himself and the game of baseball," said House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman Edolphus Towns. It was reported over the weekend that Rodriguez took steroids during his three seasons in Texas, citing pressures from his enormous US$250 million contract., and not able to lie any further Rodriguez held a press conference and admitted that he'd taken steroids. Though Rodriguez seemed sincere in his apology fans will find it hard to believe the star considering he had consistently lied about his use of drugs.

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