View Full Version : Troubles at Bahia

02-16-2009, 12:50 PM
Ecologist Roberto Sanchez is warning about a potential ruling by the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) that would, according to the ecologist, give an area of Bahia de las Aguilas at the Jaragua National Park to an unidentified group, as reported in Hoy newspaper. Aside from being illegal and potentially detrimental to the protection of Bahia de las Aguilas, Sanchez said that it would set a precedent by where the SCJ would be recognizing fraudulent land titles. Sanchez said the attempt to appropriate the protected lands is being done by a group of foreign investors, with the support of the Ministry of Tourism, and that these foreigners have already begun business transactions with the current "owners" of the lands. Sanchez detailed that with a potential ruling by the SCJ, the tarea of protected lands, located within the park, would be purchased for US$16 per meter squared with the supposed owners receiving US$4, with millions of tareas of protected park land released for purchase. The middlemen behind the transaction would receive US$12 per square meter, Sanchez told an audience attending a MIUCA political party conference on governmental environmental policies.

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