View Full Version : Travel agents angered

02-16-2009, 12:50 PM
The New York City Dominican American Travel Agents Association (DATA) is rejecting a US$15 charge imposed by President Leonel Fernandez, through decree 655-08, on persons who enter or exit the DR. DATA president Placido Rodriguez called the measure by Fernandez abusive and untimely. The DR, currently, has the highest travel taxes of any nation in the Caribbean. Rodriguez explains that this is not a new issue. He said that for some time now passengers have complained about the cost of flights originating in the DR due to the exorbitant charges levied above the fare. Rodriguez added that airfares have declined recently due to fuel savings, but government taxes still make flying in and out of the DR too expensive. Rodriguez used the example that a flight to the DR could cost US$379, but Dominican government taxes balloon the price to more than US$500. Rodriguez, quoted in Hoy, fears that the high prices, could eventually lead to a reduction in visitors to the DR.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)