View Full Version : Jail stats

02-17-2009, 01:10 PM
A total of 1,059 inmates were released from the penal system during January of this year, but 1,498 were interned during the same month, bringing the total inmate population in the Dominican Republic to 17,150. (16,593 men, 557 women) According to the Director General of Prisons, Major General Manuel de Jesus Perez Sanchez, the data reflects the entry and release of persons from 2 January to 31 January 2009, and is contained in the monthly report issued by the Statistics Division of the Department of Systems and Information. Of the 1,059 release orders, 194 were for inmates at the Najayo Model Prison, 146 for La Victoria Prison, 53 for La Vega and 59 for El Seibo.
According to the report, the center with the most new inmates is La Victoria with 284, followed by El Seibo with 168, Najayo with 170, Barahona with 91 and La Vega with 94. The facility at Haras Nacionales did not report any new inmates. Regarding the legal status of the inmates, 6,276 have been convicted and sentenced, a total of 36.6% of the inmates. There are 10,874 inmates in jail on remand, or preventive custody (63.4%).

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