View Full Version : Congress will impose a solution on MD salaries

02-19-2009, 02:50 PM
Where to find the funds for the salary increase for the nation's public hospital doctors and other medical personnel was a dead issue but yesterday the presidents of the two legislative chambers at Congress announced separately that plans were ongoing and that due to the opposition in vogue it was possible that the legislators would have to impose a solution. Julio Cesar Valentin and Reinaldo Pared Perez declared that Congress has an obligation with the doctors and needs to find the source of the funds. The two men affirmed that Congress will have to impose a salary increase, since so many sectors reject any increase in taxes that affect each sector. Valentin added that he is not a proponent of salary increases through added taxes, but that there are no other alternatives. Pared Perez said that the Senate is obliged to find a solution and locate the sourcing of the pay increase for the health sector. He suggested that the salary increase project that is being overseen by the joint commission may well be modified but he did not say in which aspects. The Senate president guaranteed that the proposal will be put before the whole Senate next week to determine which taxes might provide for the pay increase.

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