View Full Version : US has deported 412 convicts so far

02-19-2009, 02:50 PM
The United States authorities repatriated on Wednesday a group of 93 former Dominican convicts after they had served their sentences in the U.S. Most of those repatriated had served sentences for drug related offenses and homicide. With the arrival of these 93, the former convicts returned just this year reached 412. The latest group arrived on a US Government DC-9 accompanied by FBI and DEA agents. The flight originated in New York City although the deportees came from jails in Boston, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Antonio, New Jersey and New York. As the former inmates de-planed, they were met by DNCD and units of the Specialized Corps for Airport Security (CESA) as well as immigration officials. From the terminal at the Las Americas International Airport (AILA) the group was taken to National Police headquarters and from there to the Migration Department and from there to the DNCD offices where they were handed over to their relatives if there was nothing pending with the Dominican authorities. According to the files on these persons, besides drug related offenses and homicides, some were convicted for falsifying federal documents, assaults, rapes or sexual assaults and other offenses. Last year the AILA processed a total of 4,167 deportees, with more than 70% of them convicted of drug trafficking and homicide. Reporters from the Nuevo Diario talked to FBI and DEA agents at the airport and found out that there are currently more than 4,000 Dominican serving time in jails in the United States, most of whom are there for drug trafficking or other drug offenses. Many of these will be released in 2009 and returned to the DR.

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