View Full Version : Cousin "it" identified

02-20-2009, 03:20 PM
More news is emerging from the Alex Rodriguez drug scandal as ESPN reports that Yuri Sucart is the anonymous cousin who injected Rodriguez with drugs during the 2001-2003 baseball seasons. Though Sucart has remained out of the spotlight and not granted any interviews, ESPN reports that the man lives in Miami, Florida and has been an important part of Rodriguez's life ever since the now-disgraced slugger was in high school. The initial reports by ESPN were confirmed by his wife Carmen Sucart, who also refused to speak with reporters. "I told you my husband has nothing to say," she said. "What A-Rod said at the press conference is what happened and that is all. And if you want to talk to my husband, why don't you talk to his lawyer?"

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#13)