View Full Version : NY Times on migration

02-23-2009, 01:00 PM
The New York Times is reporting on the findings of a new profile of the US's foreign-born residents, both legal and illegal, released this week by the Census Bureau. In a report by Sam Roberts on 20 February, the paper says that Latin Americans and Africans now account for a greater share of the US immigrant population than they did five years ago. The NY Times says that in 2007, the Census Bureau found that 54 percent of the nation's 38.1 million foreign-born came from Latin America, 27 percent from Asia, 13 percent from Europe and 4 percent from Africa.
Dominican immigrants accounted for 2 percent of the foreign-born - the same as the share of Canadians and the same percentage as Germans as recently as 2000. Indians made up 4 percent of the foreign-born.
According to the NY Times, the profile found that immigrants are about as likely to have graduated from college as native-born Americans, 27 percent compared to 28 percent. (Seventy-four percent of Indian immigrants have a bachelor's degree.)
Those from India, Australia, South Africa and the Philippines had the highest median household incomes, with the figure for Indians at $91,195.
Nevertheless, those from Somalia and the Dominican Republic had among the lowest, according to the report. The median for the foreign born was $46,881 compared with $51,249 among the native born.
A full 97 percent of immigrants from Mexico and the Dominican Republic do not speak English at home, says the news article. About 52 percent of foreign-born residents say they speak English less than very well.
www.nytimes.com/2009/02/21/us/21census.html?_r=1&ref=us (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/21/us/21census.html?_r=1&ref=us)

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