View Full Version : Carlos Diaz residents to be moved

02-24-2009, 01:40 PM
The government has ordered the permanent transfer of the inhabitants of Carlos Diaz, Tamboril, to prevent new homes from being built in the area and to ensure that people do not move back into the ones that were not affected by the recent landslides. The move, which was announced yesterday, is due to the instability and danger in the area due to landslides and sinking earth caused by the recent rains. Minister of Public Works Victor Diaz Rua told reporters from Diario Libre that a geological study will be conducted to determine the magnitude of the fault lines in the area and that the government will cover the cost of renting homes for more than 70 families that were the most affected by the landslides. He confirmed that recovering the ground that was affected by the landslides would cost the government a fortune and that the vulnerable area would continue to cause problems whenever it rained. Thus the solution is to move these families to a safer place. Victor Diaz Rua was speaking at a press conference in the Orlando Martinez room of the Presidential Palace, accompanied by Presidential press director Rafael Nunez. He said that the government would be building new housing near Tamboril in another area for the families that lost their houses and were made homeless by the landslides in Carlos Diaz. Diaz Rua said that President Leonel Fernandez has been monitoring the events and the aid that has been given to the victims, including medical and food aid, on a daily basis.

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