View Full Version : EUR500 million Cofides Fund

02-24-2009, 01:40 PM
Representatives of the Spanish Development Funding Company (Cofides) were in Santo Domingo to invite Dominican companies to access its EUR500 million fund. The money will be available for Dominican businesses with ties to Spain through the Spanish Chamber of Commerce & Industry in the DR. Loans range from EUR250,000 to EUR25 million. Remedios Romero Garcia, president of Cofides was in Santo Domingo to make the announcement, at an event led by Manuel Garcia Arevalo, president of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Santo Domingo.
Remedios Garcia said that the funds could finance a wide range of projects from tourism and apparel to infrastructure. She said that projects worth EUR3 million are currently being implemented with Cofides funding in the leisure, manufacturing and energy sectors, adding that they are looking into the possibility of financing the expansion of the Caucedo Port. "Our main objective is not the loan's yield but that the project to be funded should be sustainable, and that we can recover the loan," she said.
See http://www.cofides.es/english/Default.aspx

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