View Full Version : Cool weather

03-05-2009, 02:20 PM
The Weather Office (Onamet) is predicting unseasonably cool temperatures and some light rains for the next couple of days. Yesterday the whole nation felt an unusual chill (about 24C at noontime) and winds that were not normal for this time of the year. The cooler temperatures come in the wake of major snowstorms along the Eastern Seaboard of the US.
Weather forecasters say that while some rains might fall in the northeast, east, southeast and the central mountains, the cool snap is for the most part enjoyed by Dominicans. Onamet said that the chance of rains will diminish over the next 24 hours, but cool winds and temperatures would continue to prevail. The frontal system that brought the rains has now passed over the DR and is located over Puerto Rico. Last evening's six o'clock bulletin from Onamet said that the weather would improve across the whole country.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#15)