View Full Version : New SCJ rules for boundaries

03-10-2009, 05:50 PM
In an effort to facilitate the paperwork needed to obtain a deed on a piece of land, the Supreme Court has approved the Regulations for Boundary and Lot Adjustments. This new procedure will allow holders of "annotated proofs" of ownership to obtain Certified Titles of ownership (deeds) through an administrative procedure when there is agreement about the ownership and boundaries of the property. The move is part of the Program to Consolidate Real Estate Jurisdiction. The control and reduction of the use of Annotated Proofs has been one of the initiatives pushed through in the area of real estate law, and this will guarantee judicial security and investments in real estate in the country. By means of an act of Parcel (or Lot) Adjustment, a survey of the lots is carried out, through which all owners of 'annotated proofs' agree to set out their parcels through an administrative procedure. The technical work should be approved by the Regional Department of Surveying and then sent to the Registry of Land Titles (Deeds). Another aspect of the measure is that the process of surveying will be public, allowing third parties to have knowledge of the process and thereby facilitating access to justice and reducing the timeframe for obtaining a deed.

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